
Welcome to the Grief Matters blog. We intend for this space to provide an opportunity for the Grief Matters community to write, read, share, and reflect about ‘all things grief.’ At Grief Matters, we understand grief as the experience of loss. This loss could be a death (a human, an animal). It could also be the loss of something else: your health, a job, an opportunity, a future goal, or dream.

While grief can look and feel different to every individual, we live our grief within our social networks and in our communities. We feel that community matters deeply to the experience of grief. So, we invite you to share with us in order to help create more grief-attuned communities.   

How does grief matter to you?   

What grief matters are important to you?   

Email us your ideas about how you could contribute to the Grief Matters blog. Please see our guest bloggers guidelines.

Read our past newsletters.

What does it mean to grieve ‘well’?
Susan Cadell & Mary Ellen Macdonald Susan Cadell & Mary Ellen Macdonald

What does it mean to grieve ‘well’?

We recently had the pleasure of being guests on the podcast, Sickboy (you can listen to that episode here. It was a live recording at the Halifax Central Library (so much fun!) During the conversation, co-host Jeremie Saunders made a comment that has stuck with us since. Jeremie observed that he “did not grieve well” and had been “a bad griever” after his beloved dog Bigby died.

*Photo by Jeremie Saunders

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