Grief Gatherings is a series of events to increase grief literacy in our communities

September 20 - 29, 2024
Online and in-person

Grief Gatherings

In September, 2023 we hosted a Grief Literacy Festival called where community members, practitioners, and scholars lead events and workshops to inform and support people regarding many aspects of grief. Now we are thrilled to be offering another series of events in September 2024 called Grief Gatherings.

What People are Saying About Last Year

“Thank you SO much for providing this week. I went to 4 different events. I learned something from each of them. I felt seen and heard, and it was nice to see familiar faces as well. Thank you for providing a safe space for me as a young widow.”

“I liked networking in the grief space and finding like connections. I'm just excited to see this grow and it was a fantastic start.”

“It was a nice afternoon and good community connections made. Thank you for creating the opportunity and being so supportive, Look forward to future events.”

Thinking about hosting an event at our Grief Gatherings event this September, 2024? Fill out our form (no commitment).

Here are some events from last year for inspiration.

  • A dinner in honor of absent friends.

  • A good grief potluck.

  • A meet-up.

  • Comfort-tea; get together for comforting tea and snacks.

  • An art healing workshop.

  • A death cafe.

  • A cooking class for grievers.

  • A hike to remember pets who have died.

  • An art exhibit of memorial tattos.

  • And more...


  • Anyone who is committed to building grief literacy.

  • Fill out the form found here. Reach out to us if you have any questions (contact). We will follow up with you to make sure we have all the necessary information before we post your activity.

  • Our site is a location for advertising your activity. You are responsible for the creative programming and its execution. It's up to you to manage your attendees (e.g., numbers, fees, registration, payment). We are available for brainstorming content, formats, and logistics – please reach out if you need assistance. We provide special support and resources for event hosts, including this resources page.

  • We can post updates on our site. We are not responsible for liaising with your attendees, however; it is your responsibility to manage your speakers and/or attendees.

  • Yes – some events will be virtual, some will be hybrid, and some will be in-person. Details will be listed with each event.

  • Yes, if money is a concern and prohibitive in terms of hosting an event, we have a small budget to assist you. Please contact us to learn more.

Events Schedule

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