Grief is much more than one person, alone...

We at Grief Matters aspire to move grief from the personal realm to the community space.

We see our social, public lives and spaces as essential environments for grievers and for creating a common understanding of grief in all its forms. (This is explained in more detail in this month's blog.)

We know there are many positive impacts when communities come together to support grievers. It's a public health issue.

Grief is everyone's issue.

Susan MacLeod

Susan MacLeod is a Nova Scotian artist writing and drawing about health care issues. Her humorous book, Dying for Attention: A Graphic Memoir of Nursing Home Care, follows her nine-year journey shepherding her mother through a callous long-term care system. This inspired her interest in end-of-life and grief issues.

Sharing Grief With Strangers!


Introducing Susan MacLeod, Cartoonist-in-Residence at Grief Matters!