Sharing Grief With Strangers!

When Stephanie Levac's mother invited her to a musical about death in Toronto, "In Dreams", she leapt at the chance. Roy Orbison! Live Theatre! Death! Stephanie is a musician and a trained hospice volunteer; her mother is an oncology pharmacist. As experienced as they are with grief, they were surprised at all that can arise when grief is shared in a public space.

You can also read Stephanie’s blog post about her experience at the musical.

Susan MacLeod

Susan MacLeod is a Nova Scotian artist writing and drawing about health care issues. Her humorous book, Dying for Attention: A Graphic Memoir of Nursing Home Care, follows her nine-year journey shepherding her mother through a callous long-term care system. This inspired her interest in end-of-life and grief issues.

Cooking for Dead People


Grief is much more than one person, alone...